208. Providing and Seeking Consultation w/ Dr. Kathryn Esquer

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I cannot count how many times I’ve seen requests for clinical consultation come up in the Testing Psychologist Community and elsewhere. Fortunately, Dr. Kathryn Esquer has made a career out of connecting with others and helping them connect with one another. She is here today talking with me about the research and practice of clinical consultation, from both the consultant’s side and the consultee’s side.

207. Understanding Female Psychopathy w/ Dr. Jason Smith & Dr. Ted Cunliffe

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Today’s interview was fascinating. I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Ted Cunliffe and Dr. Jason Smith, two of the co-authors of the book, Understanding Female Offenders. These guys have spent their careers working with- and studying female offenders and share a wealth of information from their own research and elsewhere.

206. Next Level Systems w/ Natasha Vorompiova from Systems Rock

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We’ve been talking a lot about systems on the podcast lately. Today I have a true master of systems, Natasha Vorompiova from Systems Rock, to share some of her philosophy and secrets on developing systems in your practice. I really connected with Natasha on our shared love of noticing and eliminating inefficiencies in daily life.

205. The SPECTRA w/ Dr. Justin Sinclair and Dr. Mark Blais

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The realm of psychopathology assessment is fascinating to me. Today I’m speaking with the developers of the SPECTRA Indices of Psychopathology, Dr. Mark Blais and Dr. Justin Sinclair, about their work to develop this measure over the last decade or so. They are kind enough to endure my naive questions about the measure and the assessment of psychopathology in general.

202. From Solo to Group Testing Practice w/ Dr. Mandi White-Ajmani

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Are you a solo practitioner thinking about making the leap to a group testing practice? That’s where Dr. Mandi White-Ajmani was a few years ago, and she now has a thriving group practice in Brooklyn, New York with both therapists and neuropsychologists on staff. It was such a privilege to sit down with Mandi and talk about her journey from solo to group practice.

201. The Latest Research on ADHD With Dr. Joel Nigg (Replay)

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Ever wondered if diet really plays a role in ADHD? What about screen time? Is medication still the best treatment? Dr. Joel Nigg sits down with me today to talk about all of these things and many more. His most recent book presents the state of the literature on all things ADHD, from genes, to brain structure, to sleep, to parenting.

200. Reverse Interview: The Testing Psychologist Journey w/ Dr. Jeremy Sharp

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This episode is a little departure from normal…instead of me interviewing someone or monologuing on a business topic, I’ve invited my friend and colleague, Dr. Andres Chou, to interview ME. It’s a true gift to have this broad conversation with Andres.