There’s a lot of discussion in the Testing Psychologist Community about technology in our practices.
242. Parent Perspectives on the Assessment Process, Part 2 w/ Dr. Caroline Buzanko
Welcome to the second episode in a two-part series with Dr. Caroline Buzanko on the parent experience of the assessment process!
241. Work Less, Feel Better, Be More Productive w/ Joe Sanok
My friend and original business coach, Joe Sanok, is back on the podcast talking about his new book, Thursday is the New Friday.
240. Parent Perspectives on the Assessment Process, Part 1 w/ Dr. Caroline Buzanko
Welcome to a two-part series with Dr. Caroline Buzanko on the parent experience of the assessment process!
239. Deep Dive into Search Engine Optimization w/ Aaron Carpenter
I have Aaron Carpenter from Legendary Lion, a digital creative agency specializing in mental health practices, here to talk all about search engine optimization.
238. KnowNeuropsychology w/ Dr. Cady Block and Anny Reyes
Continuing with our theme of accessibility and inclusion within neuropsychology, I have Dr. Cady Block and Anny Reyes here to talk about the KnowNeuropsychology didactic series and initiatives.
237. Good Values, Good People w/ Dan Konigsberg
Dan Konigsberg has been running a successful software business for over 20 years. Along the way, he’s learned a ton of valuable lessons about company culture, values, and getting the right people into the right positions within the business.
236. Happy Hour #3 w/ Dr. Andres Chou, Dr. Laura Sanders, Dr. Chris Barnes, and Dr. Stephanie Nelson
I’m back with four of my favorite psychologists for another happy hour episode!
235. Ways to Offer Benefits to Your Employees
I get a lot of questions during consulting about how to offer benefits to employees.
234. Central Auditory Processing Disorder w/ Dr. Michael Wolff
Ready for an information-packed episode on a controversial topic? This one is for you. Dr. Mike Wolff is here to talk through the ins and outs of central auditory processing disorder.