Many of us start private practice with a lot of excitement, right?
382. Test Development From Start to Finish w/ Melissa Messer, Dr. Carrie Champ Morera, and Kathryn Stubleski
How many of us have wondered about the test development process?
381. Private Pay Transition #4: One Month In
Today is the fourth episode in the series…
380. Threat Assessment w/ Dr. Alex Rodrigues
Threat assessment is unfortunately a necessary part of our work as psychologists.
379. Developing a Practice Vision
Part of being a business owner is developing a vision for your organization.
378. Psychometrics: Everything You Want to Know But Are Afraid to Ask w/ Dr. Ben Lovett
Dr. Ben Lovett is back! Longtime podcast listeners will recognize Dr. Lovett from two of my early episodes on ADHD…
377. The EOS Journey (Year Two): Quarterly Pulsing #1
In my ongoing quest to keep this podcast fresh, I’m trying out a new angle for a few business episodes.
376. Coaching Call w/ Dr. Leslie Roberts: Becoming a Visionary
Dr. Leslie Roberts is a large group practice owner in western Michigan.
375. Ethical & Legal Aspects of Supervision w/ Dr. Bryce Hella
How many of you supervise others?
374. Measurement Error in Intelligence Testing w/ Dr. Vanessa Torres van Grinsven
I think we all theoretically know that our tests don’t always measure exactly what we want them to measure…