In yet another experiment for this podcast
356. Digital Assessment & the Evolution of Q-interactive
For those of you using Q-interactive, you may have heard that the Q-interactive app is getting a BIG update in the next couple of weeks.
355. Private Pay Transition #2: Taking Action
Over the next several months, I’m going to chronicle my practice’s journey as we try to move away from insurance panels.
287. The EOS Journey, Part 4: Vision Day 1
Today is the fourth episode in the series. I’m talking about Vision Day 1, when we redefined our core values and core focus.
285. The EOS Journey, Part 3: Gaining Traction
Today is the third episode in the series.
283. The EOS Journey, Part 2: Focus Day
Today is the second episode in the new series.
281. The EOS Journey, Part 1: Foundations
In my ongoing quest to keep this podcast fresh, I’m trying out a new angle for the next few business episodes.
279. Flat Fee vs. Hourly Pricing for Evaluations
Have you wrestled with how to price your evaluations? There are many different ways to collect payment in your practice
277. Why Not Hire a Therapist?
We talk a lot about hiring clinicians to help expand your testing services, but what about hiring a therapist?
275. Growing Your Practice with Early Career Psychologists
Hiring has been hard lately, y’all! I’ve heard from so many practice owners around the country that they’re having difficulty finding licensed clinicians in particular.