TTP #80: Kellie Henkel – Dyslexia From a Parent’s Perspective

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Kellie Henkel gets dyslexia from all sides. As a speech-language pathologist and parent to four dyslexic children, she’s been around the block with evaluations and interventions for reading issues. Kellie was kind enough to chat with me today about many facets of her experience. We get things like:

  • What makes a quality evaluation?
  • What is unhelpful in an evaluation?
  • What is her preferred intervention for her kids’ dyslexia?
  • Where to learn about more obscure dyslexia interventions

Cool Things Mentioned in This Episode

About Kellie Henkel

Kellie Henkel is a Dyslexic Speech Language Pathologist who has been practicing since 1999.  She earned a Master’s Degree from Vanderbilt University and Bachelor’s Degree from Loyola University in Maryland.  Kellie specializes in Verbal Apraxia, Autism, Augementative Alternative Communication and Dyslexia. She is a mom of 4 dyslexic children ages 7, 7, 9 and 11 who is passionate about advocating for the educational needs of children with special needs. She contracts with school districts and provides private assessment and intervention in the areas of speech, language, augmentative alternative communication, reading and math.  Kellie and her family live in Los Olivos, California located in Santa Barbara County.  Her dream is to open a school in Santa  Barbara County for children with learning differences.

About Dr. Jeremy Sharp

I’m a licensed psychologist and Clinical Director at the Colorado Center for Assessment & Counseling, a private practice that I founded in 2009 and grew to include nine licensed clinicians, three clinicians in training, and a full administrative staff. I earned my undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina before getting my Master’s and PhD in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University. These days, I specialize in psychological and neuropsychological evaluation with kids and adolescents.

As the host of the Testing Psychologist Podcast, I provide private practice consulting for psychologists and other mental health professionals who want to start or grow psychological testing services in their practices. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife (also a therapist) and two young kids.

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