03 Transcript

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Transcripts Leave a Comment

[00:00:00] Welcome, everybody. I’m Dr. Jeremy Sharp. This is The Testing Psychologist podcast, episode #03. Hello, and welcome to The Testing Psychologist podcast, episode #03. I’m Dr. Jeremy Sharp, coming to you again from sunny Fort Collins, Colorado. The clouds have parted. The sun is coming out. It’s looking like it’s going to be a nice day here like it …

002 Transcript

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Transcripts Leave a Comment

[00:00:00] Hey, everybody. This is Dr. Jeremy Sharp, and this is The Testing Psychologist podcast episode #002.  Welcome to The Testing Psychologist podcast, episode #002. I’m Dr. Jeremy Sharp. Happy to be here with you today. I am looking out my window here in Fort Collins, Colorado, and it is snowing. We have had a pretty mild winter lately, and …

001 Transcript

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Transcripts Leave a Comment

[00:00:00] Hey everybody. I’m Dr. Jeremy Sharp. This is The Testing psychologist podcast episode number 1. Hello, and welcome to the Testing psychologist podcast episode number 1. I’m Dr. Jeremy Sharp. Nice to be here with you. This is our very first episode. I’m excited to be sharing some thoughts, experiences, and information with you all about testing, assessment, how …

How to Make Time for Writing Reports

How to Make Time for Writing Reports

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Time Management Leave a Comment

The ONE complaint I hear from practitioners doing testing is, “I’m always behind on reports!” I’d say this is the main downside to an assessment-based practice. Over the years at times when I’ve been particularly buried, I think to myself, “This is just like grad school…HOMEWORK. ALL. THE. TIME.” Sound familiar? Making time for writing reports should be a top …

Four Reasons to Add Assessment to Your Practice

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Growing Your Practice Leave a Comment

I LOVE testing and evaluation. But my practice wasn’t always assessment-focused. I maintained a full therapy practice with testing “on the side” for a couple of years before switching over entirely. Now I can’t imagine doing anything different. If you’re considering adding assessment services, go for it! Here are four great reasons to do so: There’s a much lower likelihood of …