How to Make Time for Writing Reports

How to Make Time for Writing Reports

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Time Management Leave a Comment

The ONE complaint I hear from practitioners doing testing is, “I’m always behind on reports!” I’d say this is the main downside to an assessment-based practice. Over the years at times when I’ve been particularly buried, I think to myself, “This is just like grad school…HOMEWORK. ALL. THE. TIME.” Sound familiar? Making time for writing reports should be a top …

Four Reasons to Add Assessment to Your Practice

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Growing Your Practice Leave a Comment

I LOVE testing and evaluation. But my practice wasn’t always assessment-focused. I maintained a full therapy practice with testing “on the side” for a couple of years before switching over entirely. Now I can’t imagine doing anything different. If you’re considering adding assessment services, go for it! Here are four great reasons to do so: There’s a much lower likelihood of …

Three Ways to Finance Testing Materials

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Finances 4 Comments

I remember when I had to ask my wife for permission to spend $8,000 on testing materials. The local university had recently changed their policy on prescribing ADHD meds such that ALL students seeking meds were required to undergo a full evaluation first, and I was fortunate to be a top referral source. Prior to that, I’d gotten by with borrowing from …