Insurance Billing for Psychological Testing

TTP #20: Insurance Billing for Psychological Testing

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Today’s episode is a reverse interview that I did for the Insurance Answers podcast on how to bill insurance for testing services. The hosts, Danielle and Katia, were kind enough to share the audio with me so that I could use it here as well. They ask me a ton of great questions about billing, like… How do billing codes …

Gifted and Twice Exceptional

TTP #19: Dr. Aimee Yermish – Assessment with Gifted and Twice Exceptional Individuals

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Podcast 2 Comments

Would you rather read the transcript? Click here. As a grown up gifted kid herself, Dr. Aimee Yermish definitely “gets it.” She coupled her lifetime of personal experience with a doctorate in psychology to build a highly successful practice working primarily with gifted and twice exceptional individuals. Here are just a few things I learned while talking to Aimee: Giftedness can be …

019 Transcript

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[00:00:00] Dr. Sharp: Hey everyone, this is Dr. Jeremy Sharp. This is The Testing Psychologist podcast 19. Hey y’all, this is Jeremy. I know I don’t usually do a preroll like this, but I wanted to give you a heads-up that this podcast is a long podcast for me and there’s a good reason for that. Dr. Aimee Yermish talks …

Abundant private practice

TTP #18: Allison Puryear – Build an Abundant Testing Practice

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Would you rather read the transcript? Click here. Allison Puryear has built three successful private practices from the ground up, in THREE DIFFERENT CITIES. Oh, and she also took two maternity leaves over the past few years. This woman knows how to grow a thriving practice. Allison shares her thoughts on networking (even for introverts), marketing, wrapping your mind around …

18 Transcript

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[00:00:00] Dr. Sharp: This is Dr. Jeremy Sharp. Welcome to The Testing Psychologist podcast, episode 18. Hey, welcome everybody to another episode of The Testing Psychologist podcast. I’m Dr. Jeremy Sharp. Today, I’m talking with Allison Puryear. I got introduced to Allison through our mutual connection Joe Sanok, who I’ve talked about on the podcast before. I did some consulting …

High Achieving Millennials

TTP #17: Dr. Erika Martinez – Assessment for High Achieving Millennials

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Would you rather read the transcript? Click here. Erika Martinez is a classically trained neuropsychologist who shifted her practice so that she’s doing exactly what she wants without the part that many of us hate – writing full reports. We talk all about how she has changed her assessment approach to fit her population – high achieving teenagers and millennials. …

TTP #16: Kelly Higdon – Building Your Perfect Practice

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Would you rather read the transcript? Click here. It’s clear why Kelly Higdon is one of the best private practice consultants out there. She is truly walking the walk. A couple of years ago, she realized that she did not want to see therapy clients all day. So she sold the assets to her practice, moved all of her services to …

Slow Down

TTP #15: Slow Down. Perfectionism is Overrated.

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Would you rather read the transcript? Click here. I almost didn’t publish an episode this week. After being out of town last weekend, I was strapped for time and didn’t feel that I could put together a full episode for this week. I almost pushed it off to next Monday, but then said to myself, “Now’s a good time to …

015 Transcript

Dr. Jeremy Sharp Transcripts Leave a Comment

[00:00:00] Hey everybody. This is Dr. Jeremy Sharp. Welcome to The Testing Psychologist podcast, episode 15. Hey, y’all. This is Dr. Jeremy Sharp again. Welcome back to another episode of The Testing Psychologist podcast.  I’m sitting here looking out of my window on a beautiful spring day here in Fort Collins. We had a little run of cold weather last …

Psychological Paperwork

TTP #14: Dr. Maelisa Hall – Get Your Paperwork in Order!

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Would you rather read the transcript? Click here. Dr. Maelisa Hall figured out early on that she has a passion for paperwork. Lucky for the rest of us, Maelisa has built a consulting business around helping therapists and psychologists get their paperwork and documentation in order. She also has a private practice and does ADHD testing for adults, so she …