234. Central Auditory Processing Disorder w/ Dr. Michael Wolff

Dr. Jeremy SharpPodcast 1 Comment

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Ready for an information-packed episode on a controversial topic? This one is for you. Dr. Mike Wolff is here to talk through the ins and outs of central auditory processing disorder. If you’re like me, CAPD has come up so many times over the years in your practice, yet the research is mixed on the validity of the diagnosis. Mike presents a thoughtful and compelling case for considering CAPD as a “thing,” and there’s a lot to take from this episode. These are some of the topics that we discussed:

  • Definition of CAPD
  • Who can (or should) diagnose CAPD?
  • How is CAPD similar and different to existing diagnoses like ADHD, language disorders, and autism spectrum disorders?
  • What are the available treatments for CAPD?

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About Dr. Michael Wolff

Michael Wolff, PsyD, ABPdN, is a clinical psychologist and board-certified neuropsychologist. He is the co-founder of Behavioral Resources And Institute for Neuropsychological Services (BRAINS). Dr. Wolff specializes in medical and congenital conditions and how they influence cognitive and daily functioning. He works with children, adolescents, and adults with medical, neurodevelopmental, and psychological disorders. He has authored numerous articles in neuropsychology and published a text on the Complexity of ASD. He is a professional speaker and volunteers his time with several nonprofits.

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About Dr. Jeremy Sharp

I’m a licensed psychologist and Clinical Director at the Colorado Center for Assessment & Counseling, a private practice that I founded in 2009 and have grown to over 20 clinicians. I earned my undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina before getting my Master’s and PhD in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University. These days, I specialize in psychological and neuropsychological evaluation with kids and adolescents.

As the host of the Testing Psychologist Podcast, I provide private practice consulting for psychologists and other mental health professionals who want to start or grow psychological testing services in their practices. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife (also a therapist) and two young kids.

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Comments 1

  1. Post

    For anyone interested in how the SCAN was named (from the author):

    “The test that I named scan came after I had designed the initial test battery and after several weeks of trying to decide what to call the test. I could not come up with an acronym that I liked. One day, sitting quietly, I thought about a tool used to identify learning disabilities that was called “search“. I decided if Archie silver could call his test search, I could call mine “SCAN” as in scanning for Auditory processing disorders.

    You can share that information with the psychologist doing the podcast if you’d like. You can attribute it to personal communication with the author.

    The initial test battery contained for sub tests but after obtaining the standardization and validation data the fourth, a binder of fusion test, was not diagnostic and so I dropped it leaving the three tests published in the original version. That was expanded into nine subtests of course much later after the third revision.

    So, it is not an acronym even though many have tried to think of it as such and tried to figure out what it might stand for. It’s actually that simple And seems to have worked out well.

    Many have asked the same question you posed.

    Now you know the rest of the story!

    Thanks for asking.”

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