223. Prioritizing and Dealing with Overwhelm

Dr. Jeremy SharpPodcast 2 Comments

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Well, hello there! It’s been a while since we talked. Guess what? I completely ignored ALL of my own advice, outlined in exquisite detail on this podcast over the last four years, and got myself 1000% overwhelmed during the last few months. My boundaries weakened and I started listening to that old voice that says, “Do everything for everyone…or THEY WON’T LIKE YOU.” Now that I’m back in control of my schedule, I’d love to chat about what went wrong, offer an apology for going MIA, and discuss some ways to keep you from experiencing the same thing.

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About Dr. Jeremy Sharp

I’m a licensed psychologist and Clinical Director at the Colorado Center for Assessment & Counseling, a private practice that I founded in 2009 and have grown to over 20 clinicians. I earned my undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina before getting my Master’s and PhD in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University. These days, I specialize in psychological and neuropsychological evaluation with kids and adolescents.

As the host of the Testing Psychologist Podcast, I provide private practice consulting for psychologists and other mental health professionals who want to start or grow psychological testing services in their practices. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife (also a therapist) and two young kids.

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Comments 2

  1. Jeremy,

    I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for putting this episode out there and for being willing to be candid and vulnerable. This episode felt like it was aimed specifically at me. As an early career psychologist slowly making the shift from testing on the side of therapy to phasing out of therapy to focus on testing, I have recently found myself overwhelmed as I have just too much on my plate for many of the reasons you mention in the episode. It is great to be reminded that even those who seemingly “have it all together” can struggle with these same problems and it is not because I am a “bad psychologist” or that something is wrong with me, it’s just about coming back to the basic skills that you discuss in the episode and that I of course deep down know, but just lose sight of from time to time. Looking forward to hearing some great new content from the podcast and hope you can continue to take good care of yourself. You and this podcast (and the TTP Facebook community) are a gift to those of us aspiring to be the best testing psychologist we can be!

    1. Post

      Kevin, thanks so much for all these kind and affirming words. We’re all in this together, finding something that looks like balance and taking care of ourselves. Good luck on the journey!

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