192. Form Publisher w/ Dr. Rebecca Murray-Metzger

Dr. Jeremy SharpPodcast 4 Comments

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Everyone wants to streamline their report-writing process, right?? If you’ve ever wished that you could cut down the time spent writing your history, this is the episode for you. You may have seen Dr. Rebecca Murray-Metzger’s posts in the Testing Psychologist Community about her utilization of software called Form Publisher. If not, that’s okay – she’s here today to explain everything about Form Publisher. We talk about what it is, what it does, and how it can help us as testing psychologists. The best part is that Rebecca has lots of resources to help you out if you get stuck implementing Form Publisher!

Cool Things Mentioned

If you are interested in more information about form publisher, or you would like to purchase Rebecca’s template and instructions for how to set it up, please email her at rebecca@sfmindmatters.com

Sample Intake Form

Here’s the intake form as Rebecca’s clients see it. If you want to fill it out and see what it produces, put TEST for the child’s first name and your email address for the last name. Rebecca will forward the result to you.
What it produces

The Form Publisher generates a word document with Client info inserted, and sends it to you in an email. Here is a link to the original document (word) you get in the email,  (this is a fake one, so doesn’t have as much detail as clients usually include)
It only takes me about 10-15 minutes to edit into a good history from it.  Here is an edited version (PDF) that took about 12 minutes to edit. It helps to do that right before the intake meeting, so you are prepping for the intake meeting while you edit. You can highlight parts (see example) to cue yourself to ask more about those areas during the meeting (and type as you listen). You will still need to review report cards and talk to teachers to flesh out the academic section, but otherwise, the history will be drafted by the end of the intake meeting.
If you like it, and you don’t want to start from scratch, you can purchase Rebecca’s google form and form publisher templates, and then tweak it to meet your needs. She sells both for $100 total, along with detailed instructions as to how to put it onto your gsuite and start using it. Using these templates, it takes about an hour to get it up and running (as opposed to the 5+ hours it took to develop it). Rebecca’s email is rebecca@sfmindmatters.com.

Rebecca’s templates are most suitable for those who work with children. If you are interested in an Adult form, two other Testing Group Psychologists have an adult template for sale:

Featured Resource

I am honored to partner with PAR for 2021 to bring you featured items from their catalog! Listen to each episode for specific product recommendations and links. Learn more at www.parinc.com.

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Dr. Rebecca Murray-Metzger

Rebecca MurrayMetzger is the mother of three children, licensed clinical psychologist and owner of Mind Matters, a group testing practice in San Francisco, California. She also owns and operates The Right Door, a shared office space for mental health and wellness professionals. Rebecca specializes in providing psychoeducational and neuropsychological evaluations for children, teens and young adults, with a goal of helping parents to better understand their children and helping school teams to better support their students. As the owner of two businesses, she is constantly looking for shortcuts in google workspace and beyond, in the hopes of having more time for her family and her hobbies, which used to include hiking, skiing, swing dancing and organizing community events.

About Dr. Jeremy Sharp

I’m a licensed psychologist and Clinical Director at the Colorado Center for Assessment & Counseling, a private practice that I founded in 2009 and have grown to over 20 clinicians. I earned my undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina before getting my Master’s and PhD in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University. These days, I specialize in psychological and neuropsychological evaluation with kids and adolescents.

As the host of the Testing Psychologist Podcast, I provide private practice consulting for psychologists and other mental health professionals who want to start or grow psychological testing services in their practices. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife (also a therapist) and two young kids.

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Comments 4

  1. This was a great podcase. Very helpful (though a bit overwhelming in terms of figuring out how to do it). I opened up my google workspace. Who knew there were 1000’s of creative apps that I’m sure could help us out even more with cutting down report writing time. Now I’ve got to figure each one out 🙂

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  2. Hey there, thanks for all the great content. This episode was great. Rebecca mentioned that she would give you a link to put in the show notes to access a google doc with free examples, but I didn’t see anything in the notes.


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