171. The CADE Autism Assessment Tool w/ Dr. Anna Kroncke and Dr. Marcy Willard

Dr. Jeremy SharpPodcast 4 Comments

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I had the good fortune of meeting Dr. Anna Kroncke and Dr. Marcy Willard a couple of years ago when they put on a training for autism assessment. At the training, they mentioned that they were working on some technology to help with assessment. Any of you long time podcast listeners know that I LOVE technology…so I was instantly interested and probably scared them with my enthusiasm. Fast forward two years, and their assessment tool is the real deal. If you’re interested in a different way to assess ASD symptoms that focuses heavily on “real life” usability, you’ll want to catch this one. Here are just a few things we cover in the discussion:

  • The origin of their company and the software
  • Research on the assessment tool
  • How CADE is different than other tools out there
  • Remote assessment of ASD
  • Future directions for the software

Cool Things Mentioned

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About Dr. Anna Kroncke

Dr. Kroncke is a Licensed Psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, and lead author on an autism assessment textbook. She is passionate about meeting the needs of families in assessment practices. She was a graduate Presidential Fellow at the University of Georgia where she earned her MA and PhD. She has experience as a school psychologist, working in urban school districts, providing assessment services. She has worked as a psychologist in clinical practice for 10 years. She has extensive experience conducting comprehensive psychological evaluations, training clinicians, and consulting with families, community providers and schools. She has trained graduate students in comprehensive assessment across her career. She has expertise in autism, anxiety, depression, and assessment tools and practices. Dr. Kroncke worked with Dr. Willard to develop the CLEAPE framework for families and CADE assessment tool. She is the Co-founder of Clear Child Psychology. Outside of the practice, Dr. Kroncke enjoys time with her husband, son and three dogs.

About Dr. Marcy Willard

Dr. Willard is a tech entrepreneur, licensed psychologist, nationally certified school psychologist, and published author. She is passionate about helping children and families navigate their challenges and thrive. Dr. Willard has experience as a Psychologist, conducting diagnostic assessments at local clinics and as a Fellow at JFK Partners in partnership with the Children’s Hospital. She has a bachelor’s degree from University of Colorado Boulder, a Master’s Degree in psychology from Pepperdine, and a Ph.D. in Child, Family, and School Psychology from the University of Denver. With this venture, Marcy inspires to partner with and guide parents who have concerns about their child’s development or mental health by providing a customized roadmap in supporting their unique child.  She believes that no family should suffer or child’s potential wasted, when there are so many resources that can genuinely help. Before founding Clear Child Psychology, she worked as a School Psychologist for several years, providing training, assessment, and consultation. She has trained other psychologists in Autism Assessment using both a clinical diagnostic model and a school identification model. She lives in Colorado with her husband, two boys and her dog that looks remarkably like an ewok.

About Dr. Jeremy Sharp

Jeremy Sharp

I’m a licensed psychologist and Clinical Director at the Colorado Center for Assessment & Counseling, a private practice that I founded in 2009 and grew to include nine licensed clinicians, three clinicians in training, and a full administrative staff. I earned my undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina before getting my Master’s and PhD in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University. These days, I specialize in psychological and neuropsychological evaluation with kids and adolescents.

As the host of the Testing Psychologist Podcast, I provide private practice consulting for psychologists and other mental health professionals who want to start or grow psychological testing services in their practices. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife (also a therapist) and two young kids.

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Comments 4

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  1. After retiring (clinical psychologist) I became interested in late diagnosis HF ASD. Discovered there are no providers specializing in this in the SW Washington State area. Would like to communicate with a clinician practicing with this group. Am considering returning to practice with this specialty would like to talk with someone with this specialty.

    Clark Martin, PhD
    360 600-6122

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